– How do the oezpa training courses differ from other offers?
– We are management consultants and senior coaches for the German Federal Coaching Association (DBVC). For 25 years we have been supporting national and international organizations on issues of change management and business coaching. We are a practice house, our consulting practice projects significantly enrich the content of the oezpa academy.
– Which target groups is the systemic business coaching training aimed at?
– Our learning groups consist on the one hand of executives who accompany change management projects, who have to create embedded coaching moments, participants from the HR departments, from staff functions or also independent consultants, coaches, trainers. This is how interesting people from business, profit and non-profit organizations who want to discuss exciting leadership work in our interactive and very practice-oriented training find us.
– What is the framework in the training groups?
– We prefer group sizes of 8-10 people so that we have time and space to deal with the individual questions of the participants. In order to always have our finger on the pulse of the new generations and to foster scientific exchange, we have been cooperating for many years with different universities, e.g. in Cologne with the University of Fresenius, where we teach business psychology in the master’s course. The young generation has a place in the learning community as well as experienced managers and employees from organizations.
– I cannot take part in a training module, is this a problem?
– Our oezpa learning community with many parallel training courses and modules provides a high degree of flexibility and individualization of the training course.
– Since when and in which cycle has the coaching training been offered?
– Our advanced training courses have been running since 1996. We will soon be putting together the 50th training course in coaching and change management. Not to mention the many in-house management development programs and organizational development projects that we have managed over the past 30 years as internal board consultants and as an oezpa institute.
– Which guiding theory(s) are the basis of your systemic-analytical business coaching training and further education in change management / organizational development?
- Kurt Lewin, Field Theory in Social Sciences
- Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, London
- K. Rice / Eric Miller, Systems of Organization
- Henry Mintzberg, Inside our strange world of organizations
- Edgar Schein, Process consultancy for the organization of the future
- Marvin Weisbord, Notes on the Contract
- Argyris, C./Schön D.A. The learning organization
- Nonviolent Communication (GfK) according to Marshall Rosenberg
- The approaches of Melanie Klein (Object Relations) and Donald Winnicott
- Humanistic psychology to always keep an eye on people’s needs and Sigmund Freud’s depth psychological approaches to understand and take into account the unconscious in organizations and also in business coaching.
…and of course the standards and ethical principles of the German Federal Association for Coaching DBVC and the international Coach Federation, ICF. Over the decades we have also developed our own oezpa theories and concepts as well as models that we bring in.
– What is the DBVC and the ICF?
– The German Federal Association for Coaching (DBVC) and the International Coach Federation (ICF) are anchor points and quality seals at the same time and play an important role in the world of coaching. As you know, there are many associations in Germany. The DBVC is the leading association in the field of business coaching. Many companies are based on the association. If our participants want to pursue the path of further professionalization, they can continue to shape their own coaching path with DBVC as a member or even senior coach.