Target Group
The systemic business coaching program is aimed at people who want to develop or deepen their coaching competencies. Our more than 30 years of experience in national and international coaching are the basis of this advanced training.
Participation can take place in the role of an internal or external coach, in the role of a manager as a coach or in a preparatory role for these professions.
In the preliminary discussion we can discuss these aspects and our many years of experience both as internal, as external coaches or as a manager who wants to expand his or her leadership style in the sense of a modern or agile style.
This Program is designed for:
- Interested parties who have already completed coaching training and now want to expand their competencies around systemic business coaching at a successful coaching institute
- Human resources managers who want to expand their internal coaching role or set up coaching pools
- Managers, HR managers and consultants who want to develop or deepen their coaching competencies
- Individuals who aspire to or are already pursuing a professional coaching role
- Consultants from consulting institutions who want to use or expand coaching as a consulting method
- Project managers who want to expand their project management role in coaching
- Supervisors, psychologists, psychotherapists and doctors who already work in a helping role in the context of their professional activity and/or want to work as a coach
- People in organizations who want to strengthen their self-management in their role and their conversation skills
Learning methods – Didactics
During the training period within and in the learning time between the modules, the participants systematically expand their coaching competence by reflecting on and testing essential attitudes, approaches and tools.
The training itself is structured and experienced as a change project (project preparation, project implementation, project completion and review).
Current, national and international oezpa project and application examples by the training leader or by speakers, strengthen the practical relevance of the training. The cases are worked through and intensively evaluated by the participants in the form of “consulting groups”, among other things.
We will use the following didactic methods in the modules:
- Accompanying supervision of the participants in their coaching or counseling practice.
- Concepts & theories, case discussion and case consultation of the participants
- Interactive learning in the whole group and in small groups as well as exercises
- Live reflections and coaching/ coaching and consulting demos by the leadership
- Reflecting team, dialogue forum, continuous review and evaluation assessments
- Individual work, discussion of achieved results
- Methods, instruments and tools, applications
- Best and worst practices (learning from difficult examples of the oezpa institute)
- Check-lists
- OrgCAMP and Case-Labs or the oezpa organizational laboratory orgLAB (Tavistockseminar / Group Relations Method) expands the understanding of organizations and the own systemic-analytical understanding. Open staff meeting of the continuing education leadership, system event
- Teaching discussions, reflection in the team and direct exchange/ “tips and recommendation” for difficult consulting and coaching situations.
- Practical work in coaching with real clients
- Online sessions (use of digital tools such as ZOOM/ Microsoft Teams, WebEx/Cisco, Mural, Mentimeter)
- Peer consulting/ collegial consulting and oezpa learning partnerships
Certification and cooperation
As a further education institute recognized by the “Deutscher Bundesverband Coaching e. V.” (DBVC) and the “International Organization for Business Coaching” (IOBC), the only association for business coaching worldwide, as well as a cooperation partner of the “ICF – International Coach Federation”, it is important to oezpa GmbH – Akademie & Consulting to design all further education courses with a high level of practical relevance and interactivity, and to ensure a professional exchange of knowledge as well as creativity in the learning group.
The training is carried out in cooperation with Fresenius University.
Concept and structure
In this advanced training you can focus on systemic business coaching (DBVC and IOBC).
The focus is achieved as follows:
- In the composition of learning partnerships (coach group).
- The selection of the topic of the final thesis from the field of coaching
- Own attitude, focus and choice of content during the modules and between the modules
- In the brought in topics of questions, challenges and projects in the
- orgLAB / orgCAMP, etc.
- In the focus of the collegial coaching sessions (peer group work)
- In the supervision and accompaniment by the training supervisor
- In the assignment as a coach in the oezpa-LIVE coaching sequences
- In the accompaniment of one or more coachees (clients) who can be provided by oezpa
Structure of the advanced training:
- The continuing education is designed to be practical and implementation-oriented. The feasibility of what is learned is prepared by the continuous reference to the practice of the participants.
- The successive training focuses are systematically worked through as coherent modules. The chronological order of the modules is determined by the specific course of the training.
- The focal points of the further training have emerged from our diverse experiences in coaching processes. They focus on key qualifications and topics; for this, there is concrete, methodical, instrumental knowledge and personal support.
- The basis for this is provided by our many years of experience as coaches in change projects and the examination of business management, group dynamics and systemic concepts.
- The training is concluded with the presentation of a final paper and the subsequent colloquium. The final paper and the colloquium give participants the opportunity to review what they have learned and to place it in their own practical context. Successful participation in the training requires the completion of the final paper and is documented by the detailed oezpa certificate with DBVC seal, IOBC seal, and logos of our cooperation partners.
Your Program Team
oezpa GmbH is an internationally active consulting, coaching and training institute that has been coaching, consulting and training executives, project managers, consultants, coaches and employees of business, social and public organizations since 1994.
The coaching and consulting assignments are either part of larger organizational change or development processes or individual assignments for coaching teams and individuals. Internal and external oezpa coaches and consultants work continuously on the development, application and communication of innovative coaching and consulting methods and approaches. We also make intensive use of digital media and formats, which we bring to life in further training.
Dr. Hüseyin Özdemir
Program Management
Contact Person
+49 (0)172 – 861 61 49
Key Data
Curriculum / Modules and Topics
Dr. Hüseyin Özdemir, Visiting Professor
Program Management
- Managing Director/CEO – oezpa & ILAC (International Leadership Academy & Consulting)
- Senior Coach in the German Federal Coaching Association (DBVC) and in IOBC – International Organization for Business Coaching
- Cooperation Partner and Executive Coach, International Coach Federation, ICF
- Graduate economist, founding member and managing director of oezpa GmbH
- Former director of the work group “Digital Transformation & Leadership” (Institute of Electronic Business/ University of the Arts, Berlin)
- former Head of “Leadership & Digital Transformation (Organizational Development)”, ZIW/ Berlin Career College/ University of the Arts, Berlin
- former Dean of Studies “Human Resources Management”, Fresenius University of Applied Sciences
- Director of ILAC (International Leadership Academy – a cooperation of renowned business schools and their professors)
- Lecturer and visiting professor (change and project management, coaching and leadership) at German and international universities
- Author of textbooks on coaching, change management, cultural development and leadership
Main areas of activity
- Change and development consulting (Organizational Development & Change Management) of organizations, teams and individuals
- Consulting for strategy processes
- Cultural development of companies
- Project management consulting
- Coaching
Barbara Lagler Özdemir
Program Management
Mrs. Barbara Lagler Özdemir is founding member, managing director and management consultant of oezpa GmbH. She is a senior coach in the German Association of Coaching (DBVC) and heads the Academy of oezpa GmbH. Mrs. Lagler Özdemir offers professional coaching with integrated MBTI work.
As a holder of teaching assignments, e.g. Fresenius University in Cologne, Vilnius University in Lithuania and co-author of the book “Coaching Practice – A Guide for Coaches and Coaching Clients”, she brings a broad knowledge of organizational consulting and coaching. (Edition 2. Lindemann Verlag, Offenbach, Edition oezpa, 2014 (ISBN 978-3-941165-02-1).
So far, our events have been attended by employees of the following companies, among others:
- Accenture
- ADM Wild Europe
- AggerEnergie
- AgrEvo
- AENOVA Group
- Alcatel-Lucent
- Aleris
- AMB Generali Informatik Services
- Alte Leipziger & Hallesche Versicherung
- AMEOS Gruppe – Gesundheitsdienstleistungen
- AOK – Bundesverband
- AOK-Systems
- AOL Medien
- ARAG Allgemeine Rechtsschutzversicherung
- Aral
- ARCOR/ Vodafone D2
- Arthur D. Little
- Ärzte- und Apothekerbank
- ASB Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund
- ASCO Industries
- Aserto Beratung
- AstraZeneca
- AVANSA Training
- Dr. Ausbüttel (MedTech)
- Aventis CropScience/ Bayer CropScience
- AWO Bundesverband
- AZ Medien
- Basell Polyolefine (BASF
- Shell
- Montell)/ LyondellBasell Industries Holdings
- Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall
- Bayer
- Bayerische Landesbank
- BDKJ Diözese Trier
- Berliner Stadtreinigungsbetriebe
- Bertelsmann
- Berufsförderungswerk Oberhausen
- Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf
- Bezirksregierung Münster
- Bilfinger Berger
- Biotest Pharma
- Bischöfliches Generalvikariat Trier/ Bistum Trier
- BSH-Bosch-Siemens Hausgeräte
- BP (British Petroleum)
- Bundeministerium des Innern – für Bau und Heimat
- Bundesverwaltungsamt
- Bundeswehr
- Bundeswehr Consulting
- Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA)
- Burckhardthaus Evangelisches Fortbildungsinstitut
- Campbell Soup Company
- CardProcess
- Cargill Europe
- Charité
- Central Krankenversicherung
- Chemtura Manufacturing
- Chinese European Business School/ CEIBS
- Clariant
- Cognis
- Colonia Nordstern Versicherungs-Management/ AXA
- Condat
- Conergy
- Corza Health
- Daimler Benz
- Danfoss
- D.A.S. Versicherung
- debis/ T-Systems
- Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank
- Deutsche Bank
- Deutsche Bundesbank
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
- DGUV (Deutsche gesetzliche Unfallversicherung)
- DEHNER Academy-Konstanz
- Deutscher Fußball Bund (DFB)
- Deutsche Lufthansa
- Deutsche Telekom
- Deutsche WertpapierService Bank – dwp
- Deutscher Caritasverband
- Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK)
- Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband (DSGV)
- Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
- DG HYP – Deutsche Genossenschafts-Hypothekenbank
- die tageszeitung (taz)
- Deutsche Postexpress
- Deutsche Post DHL
- Dimension Data
- Diözesan-Caritasverand für das Erzbistum Köln
- Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
- Division One – Personalberatung
- DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung
- DRK Klinik Am Bürgerpark
- Bremerhaven (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz)
- DVG Gesellschaft für Datenverarbeitung der Badischen Sparkassenorganisation
- DXC Technology
- Dynamit Nobel
- DZ Bank
- EatHappy
- Eatearnity
- Ecolab
- EDS/ HP Enterprise Services
- EK/servicegroup
- Elenac (BASF, Shell, Montell)
- emz-Hanauer
- EnBW
- Engelhorn Textilien
- ERGO Versicherungsgruppe
- Erzbistum Köln
- Europäische Union
- Evangelische Bank
- Evangelische Kirche in Hessen und Nassau (EKNH)
- Evangelisches Hilfswerk (Diakonie)
- EWR-Energieunternehmen Rheinhessen
- EWV Energieversorgung
- FiberMark Gessner
- Frankfurter Sparkasse
- Franz Haniel
- Fraport
- Freudenberg
- Friskies
- Gas Versorgungsgesellschaft Rhein-Erft
- GEHIS GEHE Informatik Services
- Gemeinnützige Werkstätten Köln
- Generali Versicherungen
- GGEW – Energie
- Goldman Sachs Group
- Gothaer Versicherungen
- GRIPS Theater Berlin
- Grolman Result Consulting
- Hamburg Mannheimer/ ERGO Versicherungsgruppe
- Hamburgische Landesbank (HLB)/ HSH Nordbank
- Harry Brot
- HELABA & Landesbank Hessen-Thueringen
- Henkel
- Hertie School of Governance
- Hessische Polizeischule
- hkk – Erste Gesundheit
- Hoechst
- Hüls Chemie/ Chemiepark Marl
- HypoVereinsbank
- ifp – Institut für Personal- und Unternehmensberatung
- iglo (Birds Eye iglo Group)
- Indisoft-Informatik
- innogy Consulting
- Innogy (RWE)
- Institute of Electronic Business (UdK)
- Integrata
- INVIGOR Australien
- Jannsen-Cilag (Johnson & Johnson)
- Katholische Akademie für Jugendfragen (KAJ)
- Katholische Hochschule Mainz
- KEGON Consulting
- KfW-Bank
- Kienbaum Consulting
- Kommunale Datenverarbeitungszentrale Rhein-Erft-Rur (kdvz)
- Kreditwerk (Schwäbisch Hall/ DG-Hyp)
- Kreis Steinfurt
- Kühne + Nagel
- Lahnpaper
- Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Landessportbund (LSB) Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Landwirtschaftskammer Westfalen-Lippe
- Lebenshilfe Solingen (Gemeinnützige Werkstätten Köln)
- Lebenshilfe Trier
- Linkit Consulting
- LyondellBasell Industries
- McKinsey
- Messer Industriegase
- Merck
- Metro
- Michael PAGE Consulting
- Microsoft
- Nedloyd/Mærsk Line
- Neenah Lahnstein (Papierfabrik)
- Nestlé
- NetCologne
- NEW – Kommunales Versorgungsunternehmen
- Nexum – Beratung & Agentur
- NRW-Bank
- Oberlandesgericht Hamm
- o.tel.o communications/ Arcor
- PageGroup Personalberatung
- P&G Prestige Products
- PA-Consulting Group
- PartnerTeams Consulting
- PDAG Kliniken Aargau
- Peek & Cloppenburg
- Pfalzklinikum
- plenum – Management Consulting
- Polizeidirektion Schleswig Holstein
- Portigon Financial Services
- Post Bank
- Post Bank Versicherung
- Postbank IT Services
- Post Express
- PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
- ProSieben SAT.1 Media
- PROSOZ-Consult
- Psychotherapeutische Fachambulanz München
- R+V Versicherungen
- REAL Warenhäuser
- Rechenzentrum der württembergischen Sparkassenorganisation (RWSO)
- Renault
- REWE Markt
- Rhenag
- Rhein-Erft-Akademie (REA)
- Rhône-Poulenc
- Roche
- Sachtleben Chemie
- Sal. Oppenheim (Deutsche Bank)
- SANA Kliniken
- Saurer (Oerlikon)
- Schering (Bayer)
- Schneider Electric
- SEB Bank
- Siemens
- Signal Iduna Versicherungen
- Sihl
- Sinopsis Consulting
- Sozialwerk St. Georg
- Sparkassen Finanz Informatik
- Spillers Latz/ Nestlé
- St. Joseph-Hospital-Bremerhaven
- St. Vincenz Hospital
- Staatskanzlei Kiel
- Stadt Köln
- Stadt Pulheim
- Stadtsparkasse Köln
- Stadt Rhede
- Stadt Rheine
- Stadtwerke Bonn
- Stadtwerke Düsseldorf
- Stadtwerke Remscheid
- Stadtwerke Rhede
- Stëftung Hëllef Doheem/ Luxemburg
- Stiftung der Barmherzigen Brüder von Maria-Hilf
- Stuttgarter Versicherung
- Suva
- Südwestrundfunk Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts (SWR)
- SV Informatik
- SV Sparkassen Versicherung
- Takeda (Pharma)
- Talanx
- Tamedia/ TX Group
- Techem
- Techniker Krankenkasse (TK)
- Technologiezentrum Glehn
- Thyssen Krupp
- T-Mobile
- Toyota
- TXB Bank (dwpbank)
- Unfallkasse Rheinland-Pfalz
- UN United Nations
- Unitymedia/ Vodafone
- Universität Hamburg
- Universität Konstanz
- Universität Wuppertal
- Universitätsklinik Tübingen
- Universitätsklinikum RWTH Aachen
- Universitätsklinikum Jena
- Vaillant
- VBLP – Personalberatung
- VKKD – Verbund Katholischer Kliniken Düsseldorf
- Vodafone
- Volksfürsorge/ Generali
- WDV Medien Verlag
- Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR)
- WestLB (Portigon)
- WestTeam Marketing
- Wfa
- Will & Partner Consulting
- Wilo
- Witco Chemie
- WWK Lebensversicherung
- Yello (EnBW)
- Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung/ ZAV
- Zurich Versicherungs Gruppe Deutschland
The systemic business coaching training is aimed at people who want to develop or deepen their coaching competencies. Our more than 30 years of experience in national and international coaching are the basis of this advanced training. Participation can take place in the role of an internal or external coach, in the role of a manager as a coach or in a preparatory role for these professions.In the preliminary discussion we can discuss these aspects and our many years of experience both as internal, as external coaches or as a manager who wants to expand his or her leadership style in the sense of a modern or agile style.