oezpa Team

The consultants of oezpa are, among other things, active as lecturers at the Hochschule Fresenius, Cologne, in the study courses “Business Psychology” and “HR Management”.


Franz Michael Weingart


Studied business education, organizational psychology and American studies.

Banker, management trainee Bayernhypo

Personnel developer and management trainer, ADAC, Munich.

Senior Consultant Congena Munich, organizational development and strategy implementation projects (business processes, strategy and mission statement development).

Since 1996 as oezpa-Associate Management Trainer international, consultant in change projects as well as coach for managing directors.

Trainings in: Strategic human resource management and management development, CH-St. Gallen; Dr. Rolf Stiefel; Psychodrama, Morenoinstitut Stuttgart and PD Switzerland; Change management and organizational development, group dynamics,

Process consultancy in team and organizational development

Systemic coaching & consulting and constellation work (organizational constellation).